Hello I'm Burak Gündüz live in Kraków, Poland - from Istanbul, Turkey. After graduated from Denizyıldızları Anatolia Technical High School with 1.GPA, I started Computer Engineering at Gebze Technical University and I found myself passionate with iOS development since 2015. I have released first version of Pinterrail which is an iOS Travel App in October 15, 2016.

I also awarded for Wesley Clover Company, Canada Internship in July by Netas in honor of 50th year competition. I met with Wesley Clover Company's lead names CEO, Terry Matthews and VP, Ben Morris. Visited many technology and popular places in Ottawa and Montreal, Canada.

At the end of 2017's October, I was invited Firebase Developer Summit '17 event in Muziekgebouw aan 't IJ, Amsterdam, Netherlands by Google. Being in Amsterdam for Firebase Dev Summit means I had a full of enjoy meeting with Frank van Puffelen (@puf) and all good staff in there like Todd Kerpelmen, Rob DiMarco, Doug Stevenson.

In the starting of 2020, Pinterrail has been selected for Startup Istanbul's Top 100 Startups.

I worked for Ribbon Communications: Secure Real-Time Communications' Kandy.io at Netas' @NetRD as iOS Kandy Clients and MobileSDK Developer between June 2017 and March-2021.

Then I started working in Huawei Turkey's R&D as iOS Developer between March-2021 and February-2022 for one of super app technology. Developing Native Modules by Swift and also building Native Actions between Swift and C++ via Objective-C wrappers.

Currently, I'm working at Grand Parade in Kraków, Poland.